Prescription for antibiotics: compulsory or not?
Some treatments cannot be obtained from a pharmacy without a prescription. This is particularly true of antibiotics, but there are a few exceptions to the rule. What are the exceptions? How can I get a prescription for antibiotics quickly?

Antibiotics: do I need a prescription?
In principle, all antibiotic treatment must be prescribed by a doctor and can only be dispensed with a prescription. However, a decree authorises certain medicines and antibiotics to be dispensed without a prescription under certain conditions. This applies in particular to certain antihistamines for allergic rhinitis and certain treatments for other everyday illnesses such as angina or cystitis. However, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor.
Dispensing antibiotics without a prescription: exceptions
In certain specific cases, pharmacists may dispense certain antibiotic treatments that normally require a doctor's prescription. However, pharmacists are free to refuse to dispense antibiotics without a prescription if there is the slightest doubt about the diagnosis. It is therefore preferable to consult a pharmacist whenever possible to obtain medicines that are normally subject to prescription.
Here are two examples:
- in the case of acute cystitis, you can obtain the treatment Cipro without a prescription. This applies only to cystitis that is uncomplicated, does not recur and is not serious.
- treatment for angina, whether antibiotic or not, can also be obtained without a prescription, depending on the case.
Good to know: at a time of health crisis linked to covid-19, the health authorities have also authorised the renewal of certain treatments on the basis of an expired prescription, but only in certain very specific cases.
What medicines can pharmacists prescribe?
Pharmacists are not authorised to prescribe treatment, and the decree on dispensing antibiotics without a prescription does not give them this right. Its aim is simply to facilitate access to treatment for everyday conditions that may be of an emergency nature, such as cystitis.
In pharmacies, pharmacists can therefore dispense certain antibiotics without a prescription, but not just any antibiotics, and not automatically. Let's take an example: if you need to take amoxicillin, can your pharmacist dispense it or not? The answer is no. Amoxicillin can never be dispensed to children or adults without a prescription.
Other types of non-antibiotic treatment also require a prescription, such as the anti-inflammatory Antadys, used to treat certain types of pain, or vitamin D in ampoules or capsules to prevent deficiencies.
Obtaining an online prescription for antibiotics
What types of antibiotics can I get a prescription for online?
Depending on your symptoms or pathology, a doctor can prescribe a wide range of treatments via teleconsultation. The decision to prescribe medication rests entirely with the doctor you consult.
For example, in the case of a dermatological problem, teleconsultation is more appropriate than trying to obtain an antibiotic ointment without a prescription. In the case of conjunctivitis, you may need antibiotic eye drops, which are not available without a prescription. However, it can be prescribed by teleconsultation, if the doctor deems it necessary.
Cystitis: how can I get a prescription quickly?
Cipro, an antibiotic treatment for cystitis, can be obtained without a prescription under certain conditions. However, other antibiotics used to treat cystitis, such as quinolones (e.g. ciprofloxacin), cannot be obtained without a prescription. These are prescribed as a 3rd-line treatment, usually on the basis of the results of a urine analysis.
You should always opt for a (tele)consultation, as this allows you to describe your symptoms and history in detail to a health professional. In addition, during the consultation, the doctor can detect any signs of aggravation (e.g. acute pyelonephritis-type kidney infection) and give you an appropriate prescription.
Online prescription renewal for antibiotics
For antibiotics, it is compulsory to renew your prescription if your current one has expired. There may be exceptions if stopping the treatment could harm your health. To avoid running out of treatment, you can easily consult a doctor on video and ask for a prescription renewal. However, the final decision remains entirely at the doctor's discretion.
Good to know: prescriptions for antibiotics are valid for between 3 months and 1 year. However, if the prescription is too old, the pharmacist is entitled to ask you to obtain a new one before giving you your treatment. You can easily do this by teleconsultation. However, the final decision remains at the discretion of the doctor.
What medicines can be obtained without a prescription?
There are various treatments which, under certain conditions, can be dispensed without a prescription by the pharmacist:
- analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories for pain and fever (paracetamol, ibuprofen);
- antispasmodics (such as Spasfon);
- anti-diarrhoeals ;
- anti-nausea or anti-vomiting drugs;
- antacids and digestive dressings;
- laxatives;
- certain local treatments (e.g. for fungal infections or skin rashes);
- fosmomycin can, in certain cases, be dispensed without a prescription (cystitis without signs of seriousness in women and adolescents);
- and much more besides
For digestive or intestinal problems, there are many treatments available without prescription, but which do not contain antibiotics. Antibiotics are prescribed to combat bacterial infections, which is not always the case for intestinal problems. If you're not sure which treatment to take, ask your pharmacist for advice, or better still, ask a doctor by teleconsultation.
How can I get amoxicillin without a prescription?
Amoxicillin is one of the broad-spectrum antibiotics (used for a wide range of infections) that cannot be obtained without a prescription. This drug can lead to resistance and should therefore only be used for a limited time. The use of amoxicillin or one of its derivatives is not harmless, and this medicine cannot be obtained without a prescription.
In the event of a bacterial infection in adults or children, a doctor may prescribe amoxicillin (Clamoxyl), which may sometimes be combined with clavulanic acid (Augmentin), via teleconsultation. The infection must be proven, as antibiotics are contraindicated in cases of viral infection.
Dental infection: can I get antibiotics without a prescription?
In the event of a dental infection, such as a dental abscess, you will need to take antibiotics, and therefore a prescription. You can make an appointment with a GP by teleconsultation. If necessary, he or she can write you a prescription for a suitable treatment.
Antibiotics for acne: with or without a prescription?
There are antibiotic treatments for acne that can be prescribed by a doctor. You can't get them without a prescription, but you can teleconsult and receive your prescription remotely. This means you don't have to go to the doctor's surgery. You can pick up your prescription online, and all you have to do is collect your treatment from the pharmacy.
For any teleconsultation for your skin problems, remember to send a few very clear photos of your lesions, which will be very useful and appreciated by the doctors or dermatologists.
Is it possible to receive treatment for otitis without a prescription?
To treat an otitis, a medical consultation is necessary, as there are different types of otitis. Only a physical examination using an otoscope will enable the doctor to make a clear diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment. To relieve the pain, you can consult a general practitioner on video, or a paediatrician if it's for a child.
The ovule: an over-the-counter treatment for vaginal mycosis
To treat vaginal mycosis, you can ask your chemist for a local treatment. This is an ovule (MonazolĀ° type), which does not contain antibiotics, and can be obtained without a prescription. It is administered vaginally. You only need to take one dose, but if the symptoms persist, you can be prescribed a second egg seven days after the first dose.
Frequently asked questions
How do I obtain a prescription online?
As some treatments are only available on prescription, you need to consult a doctor. You can easily do this by teleconsultation. GPs and specialists are available 7 days a week, and can write you a prescription if you need one. You can print it out, e-mail it directly to the pharmacy of your choice or have it scanned on the spot using the QR code. Try teleconsultation.
How can I see a doctor quickly, even in the evening or at the weekend?
If you need to see a doctor quickly and your doctor is not available, or if you are far from his practice, you can teleconsult. You can get an appointment in less than 10 minutes with a GP, and often within the hour with a specialist doctor (paediatrician, psychiatrist, dermatologist, gynaecologist, and many more). Finding an available doctor.
I'm going abroad. Do I need a prescription for my medication?
Medicines regulations can change from one country to another. So some treatments, antibiotics or otherwise, may be available without a prescription in other countries or elsewhere, and vice versa. If you are going abroad and are undergoing treatment, check before your trip that these medicines are available without a prescription. If not, make sure you obtain a prescription before you leave.